Poppler Qt6 25.03.90
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NPopplerThe Poppler Qt6 binding
 CAnnotationAnnotation class holding properties shared by all annotations
 CPopupContainer class for Annotation pop-up window information
 CStyleContainer class for Annotation style information
 CAnnotationAppearanceAnnotationAppearance class wrapping Poppler's AP stream object
 CCaretAnnotationCaret annotation
 CDocumentPDF document
 CPdfVersionThe version specification of a pdf file
 CEmbeddedFileContainer class for an embedded file with a PDF document
 CFileAttachmentAnnotationFile attachment annotation
 CFontInfoContainer class for information about a font within a PDF document
 CFontIteratorIterator for reading the fonts in a document
 CFormFieldThe base class representing a form field
 CFormFieldButtonA form field that represents a "button"
 CFormFieldChoiceA form field that represents a choice field
 CFormFieldIconThe class containing the appearance information
 CFormFieldSignatureA form field that represents a signature
 CFormFieldTextA form field that represents a text input
 CGeomAnnotationGeometric annotation
 CHighlightAnnotationText highlight annotation
 CQuadStructure corresponding to a QuadPoints array
 CInkAnnotationInk Annotation
 CLineAnnotationPolygon/polyline annotation
 CLinkEncapsulates data that describes a link
 CLinkAction"Standard" action request
 CLinkBrowseAn URL to browse
 CLinkDestinationA destination
 CLinkExecuteGeneric execution request
 CLinkGotoViewport reaching request
 CLinkHideHide: an action to show / hide a field
 CLinkJavaScriptJavaScript: a JavaScript code to be interpreted
 CLinkMovieMovie: a movie to be played
 CLinkOCGStateOCGState: an optional content group state change
 CLinkRenditionRendition: Rendition link
 CLinkResetFormResetForm: an action to reset form fields
 CLinkSoundSound: a sound to be played
 CLinkSubmitFormSubmitForm : An action to submit a form
 CMovieAnnotationMovie annotation
 CMovieObjectContainer class for a movie object in a PDF document
 COptContentModelModel for optional content
 COutlineItemItem in the outline of a PDF document
 CPageA page in a document
 CPageTransitionDescribes how a PDF file viewer shall perform the transition from one page to another
 CRichMediaAnnotationRichMedia annotation
 CActivationThe activation object of the RichMediaAnnotation::Settings object
 CAssetThe asset object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Content object
 CConfigurationThe configuration object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Content object
 CContentThe content object of a RichMediaAnnotation
 CDeactivationThe deactivation object of the RichMediaAnnotation::Settings object
 CInstanceThe instance object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Configuration object
 CParamsThe params object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Instance object
 CSettingsThe settings object of a RichMediaAnnotation
 CScreenAnnotationScreen annotation
 CSignatureAnnotationSignature annotation
 CSoundAnnotationSound annotation
 CSoundObjectContainer class for a sound file in a PDF document
 CStampAnnotationStamp annotation
 CTextAnnotationAnnotation containing text
 CTextBoxDescribes the physical location of text on a document page
 CWidgetAnnotationWidget annotation