Poppler Qt5 25.03.90
▼NPoppler | The Poppler Qt5 binding |
▼CAnnotation | Annotation class holding properties shared by all annotations |
CPopup | Container class for Annotation pop-up window information |
CStyle | Container class for Annotation style information |
CAnnotationAppearance | AnnotationAppearance class wrapping Poppler's AP stream object |
CAnnotationUtils | Helper class for (recursive) Annotation retrieval/storage |
CAsyncObject | |
CBaseConverter | Base converter |
CCaretAnnotation | Caret annotation |
CCertificateInfo | |
▼CDocument | PDF document |
CPdfVersion | The version specification of a pdf file |
CEmbeddedFile | Container class for an embedded file with a PDF document |
CFileAttachmentAnnotation | File attachment annotation |
CFontInfo | Container class for information about a font within a PDF document |
CFontIterator | Iterator for reading the fonts in a document |
CFormField | The base class representing a form field |
CFormFieldButton | A form field that represents a "button" |
CFormFieldChoice | A form field that represents a choice field |
CFormFieldIcon | The class containing the appearance information |
CFormFieldSignature | A form field that represents a signature |
CFormFieldText | A form field that represents a text input |
CGeomAnnotation | Geometric annotation |
▼CHighlightAnnotation | Text highlight annotation |
CQuad | Structure corresponding to a QuadPoints array |
CInkAnnotation | Ink Annotation |
CLineAnnotation | Polygon/polyline annotation |
CLink | Encapsulates data that describes a link |
CLinkAction | "Standard" action request |
CLinkAnnotation | |
CLinkBrowse | An URL to browse |
CLinkDestination | A destination |
CLinkExecute | Generic execution request |
CLinkGoto | Viewport reaching request |
CLinkHide | Hide: an action to show / hide a field |
CLinkJavaScript | JavaScript: a JavaScript code to be interpreted |
CLinkMovie | Movie: a movie to be played |
CLinkOCGState | OCGState: an optional content group state change |
CLinkRendition | Rendition: Rendition link |
CLinkResetForm | ResetForm: an action to reset form fields |
CLinkSound | Sound: a sound to be played |
CLinkSubmitForm | SubmitForm : An action to submit a form |
CMovieAnnotation | Movie annotation |
CMovieObject | Container class for a movie object in a PDF document |
COptContentModel | Model for optional content |
COutlineItem | Item in the outline of a PDF document |
CPage | A page in a document |
CPageTransition | Describes how a PDF file viewer shall perform the transition from one page to another |
▼CPDFConverter | Converts a PDF to PDF (thus saves a copy of the document) |
CNewSignatureData | Holds data for a new signature |
CPSConverter | Converts a PDF to PS |
▼CRichMediaAnnotation | RichMedia annotation |
CActivation | The activation object of the RichMediaAnnotation::Settings object |
CAsset | The asset object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Content object |
CConfiguration | The configuration object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Content object |
CContent | The content object of a RichMediaAnnotation |
CDeactivation | The deactivation object of the RichMediaAnnotation::Settings object |
CInstance | The instance object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Configuration object |
CParams | The params object of a RichMediaAnnotation::Instance object |
CSettings | The settings object of a RichMediaAnnotation |
CScreenAnnotation | Screen annotation |
CSignatureValidationInfo | |
CSoundAnnotation | Sound annotation |
CSoundObject | Container class for a sound file in a PDF document |
CStampAnnotation | Stamp annotation |
CTextAnnotation | Annotation containing text |
CTextBox | Describes the physical location of text on a document page |
CWidgetAnnotation | Widget annotation |