Poppler CPP 25.03.90
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NpopplerSingle namespace containing all the classes and functions of poppler-cpp
 CdestinationThe information about a destination used in a PDF document
 CdocumentRepresents a PDF document
 Cembedded_fileRepresents a file embedded in a PDF document
 Cfont_infoThe information about a font used in a PDF document
 Cfont_iteratorReads the fonts in the PDF document page by page
 CimageA simple representation of image, with direct access to the data
 CpageA page in a PDF document
 Cpage_rendererSimple way to render a page of a PDF document
 Cpage_transitionA transition between two pages in a PDF document
 CrectangleA rectangle
 CtocRepresents the TOC (Table of Contents) of a PDF document
 Ctoc_itemRepresents an item of the TOC (Table of Contents) of a PDF document